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Blog #5 Consider the Lobster

I thought that this reading was somewhat surprising, but clarifying, about Project 2. I did not think that the project would be that heavily factual, but it is honestly comforting knowing that I have to focus on research more for this next project. Additionally, I found it helpful to see how someone can successfully use factual information inside of an interesting story. The author was able to keep me interested and invested in the story while presenting a series of facts that all contributed to the underlying message behind the article. Also, as you are reading the article you can tell the author is trying to personify the lobster by giving the most gruesome details of how they are caught, cooked, and eaten. He does a good job of making the reader uncomfortable with the process behind lobster consumption, which in the end will help him convey a stronger message. However, he does include some facts that actually counteract his side of the argument, which is a good way to spark debate but not good if he was trying to sway someone’s decision. One thing I would like to discuss more in class is how we should include so much factual information in a text about our own personal involvement in a community. This author had a broad and encompassing topic that I do not really think would count as a community for the project in this class.

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