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Blog #7 BBG Chapter 8

I chose to read Chapter 8 in the BBG. Chapter 8 is called “Composing in Genres,” but the chapter not only focuses on how to choose a genre to write in but also how to go about annotating a source. I found the section on annotation a source to be particularly helpful for Project 2 because one of the main components of the project is the annotated bibliography. The book discusses how using critical reading skills in a source helps to digest and use the information presented more effectively. It also explained a comprehensive process to go through when reading a source and trying to understand the purpose and meaning behind it. This will be particularly helpful for us because we are going to be discussing the genres of some of our sources for project 2, and by processing the background information of a source we can then determine components of its genre. This process would also help in understanding the credibility/bias of a source, which is extremely important since those are two aspects of our annotated bibliographies. The rest of Chapter 8 discusses how to choose what genre to write in, explaining how different audiences/purposes require different styles of writing. One particular part of this that I found helpful was where they discusses how to choose how to use the sources. They mentioned how sometimes rather than finding research, it is more beneficial to just focus in on one particular source to the fullest extent.

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