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Blog #10 Viral Marketing

This Wikipedia article about viral marketing ( made me think of a few different things. I found this article to be extremely interesting, because for the past few months I have frequently watched YouTube videos describing what they call the “ad-pocalypse,” where YouTube content creators are having their video demonetized because YouTube deems their content as “controversial.” This has caused many YouTube stars to lose a large portion of their revenue. After reading how strategies in viral marketing involve spreading your message on the correct platform (or “influencer”), I see why companies are taking their ads off of certain YouTube pages. They have to make sure that the channels represent their same values. The whole situation is an argument against the “all publicity is good publicity” strategy, because companies are trying to minimize the number of people who see their ads to avoid creating negative publicity. This article also helped me get a better idea of what genres would be good for project 3. I have started thinking more about what kinds of genres would catch on in my community and it helped me come up with some good ideas.

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